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Got The Parts To Build An Awesome Perimeter Defense Alarm System

I have been ordering the parts to build a perimeter defense alarm system for our off grid homestead for a while now. Finally I got all the parts together that I need for the project. My plan is to use a bunch of these alarms to protect our entire homestead from intruders or predators. B

Beginners Electronics ~ Understanding The Resistor and Potentiometer

Understanding The Resistor and Potentiometer   The humble resistor is one of the most common electronics components in use today. The resistor does just what its name implies - it resists the flow of electricity in a circuit.   A resistor is rated in Ohms

How to desolder electronics with a desoldering pump

How To Desolder Electronics Desolder Electronics With A Desoldering Pump Desoldering e

How to solder electronics components and ICs

How To Solder Electronics Soldering Electronics Components and ICs

How To Measure Resistance With An Analog Multimeter

How To Measure Resistance Measure resistors with an analog multimeter It is very easy to read resistance with an analog multimeter or ohmmeter. You can read the resistance of variable resisistors (also known as potentiometers or POTS) and standard resistors. A variable resisto

Resistor Color Code Chart & Resistor Identification

Resistor Color Codes Explained If you ever work with electronics, you will certainly run into resistors. When working with LEDs you will need to understand resistor color codes as well. The below resistor color code chart shows you the standard resistor color codes and how t

Electronics Basics - Understanding The Diode and Bridge Rectifier

This is the first article in the series of understanding electronics. Today we are starting out with the diode and bridge rectifier. I will show you how a diode works, how to identify a diode and how to read schematics diagrams for the diode.   A diode is one of the most comm

How To Make A Joule thief And Use Dead Flashlight Batteries

I show you how to make a very simple circuit called a Joule Thief which can use a dead flashlight battery to power LEDs and other devices.   This circuit contains only a few components but performs an amazing act of drawing power from a dead flashlight battery long after it h

Sainsmart DSO238 Pocket Oscilloscope Kit

I bought the Sainsmart DSO238 oscilloscope kit over the others because of its larger display of 2.8 inches compared to the others with 2.4 inches. Besides that they all seemed to be about the same.   The price was about $25, which is pretty good for a pocket oscilloscope I th

How To Track A Cell Phone

These days, modern technology has made it possible to use cellphones in various ways. One amazing function you could enjoy is the ability to track a mobile phone. The Importance of a Mobile Phone Tracker Whether you wish to quickly locate your very own cellular phone in case it ge

How to measure resistance with a digital ohm meter

Learn how to measure an unknown resistor or potentiometer with a digital ohmmeter. This is a simple DIY article that will have you measuring resistance like a pro in minutes.   Depending on your digital multimeter, there will be a range of resistance settings. When measuring
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