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Solar Power & Solar Panels

Latest in Solar Power & Solar Panels

Solar Path Light Hack Make Solar Battery Charger

Make A Solar Battery Charger Dollar Store Solar Path Light Hack Here is a simple solar garden light hack. Get four cheap dollar store path lights for this project. Using the original garden light parts, you can make a high speed solar battery charge

The Solar Panel Requirements Calculator

Solar Panel Info How to choose the right equipment for my needs. Below is a compilation of information on solar panels, their usage and installation   DIY Solar Panel Book - How to make your own solar panels   Check out our new

How To Apply Solar EVA Sheeting To Solar Panels

How To Apply Solar EVA Protect Your Solar Panels With Solar EVA Sheeting

How to make your own solar panels 1 dollar per watt

Make Your Own Solar Panels Homemade Solar Panels For $1 Per Watt

Gosun Solar Oven Long Term Test & Review

Since we got the GoSun solar stove to try out we have been using it just about every single day now. This is one of the absolute best products I ever got to use for off grid living and survival. This stove even cooks your meals during cloudy periods.   I was impressed and exc

Using Solar Electric Energy & GoSun Solar Oven For Cooking

We are now about 95% off the grid using solar panels by day to power everything in our home. And we are cooking most of our meals with the GoSun Sport solar oven.   We recently moved from our off grid tiny house in New York to an on grid home in Michigan. In two months we hav

All About Solar Charge Controllers - Types & Installation

There is some confusion about solar charge controllers and which one to pick for your particular needs. This article takes you through the different types of solar charge controllers and shows you how to install them.   There are two main types of solar charge controllers. Th

Real True Solar Panel Output

June 4th, 2012   After living off the grid now for the last 4 weeks full time, I am getting a better idea of the true solar panel output during any given time of the day. I can also see how rain or cloudy weather affects the solar panel output. When you buy a solar panel, you

Normal daily use of my solar panel setup

August 29th, 2010   Well, my solar panels and battery bank are really proving their worth in my place. We loose power here about once a month, at least. It gets really frustrating to wake up in the dark with no way to shower or shave for work.   But, my p

Set up solar lighting and started testing capacity of solar system

I have installed LED lamps in my apartment to start testing capabilities of my new solar power system. Even during rainy days, the solar panels are putting out power. We just had a few days of constant rain and very cloudy, dark days and the panels are producing power. Good to know.

Finished installing solar panels and batteries

Well, I finally got the solar panel project finished to my satisfaction. After a year and a half with these panels, I got the permission to install them properly on the roof of my new apartment.  
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