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Got The Parts To Build An Awesome Perimeter Defense Alarm System

I have been ordering the parts to build a perimeter defense alarm system for our off grid homestead for a while now. Finally I got all the parts together that I need for the project.

My plan is to use a bunch of these alarms to protect our entire homestead from intruders or predators. But I can imagine people wanting to purchase these alarms for use in camping, hunting, hiking or for home security as well.

Imagine having a wire around the perimeter of your camp waiting for something to touch it. If an animal or person touches the wire, the alarm can alert you to the potential danger and give you enough time to protect yourself.

This alarm system is going to be built around a tiny touch sensor circuit. This is like the touch lamps you may be familiar with. But in this case instead of turning a lamp on or off, an intruder will turn an alarm on, alerting my family.


Parts For a Perimeter Defense Alarm
Parts for my perimeter alarm system


Battery Hookup Budget Lithium Batteries


The circuits I bought can be turned on or off with a touch of a finger. But I want the alarm to latch on and stay on. So I bought some 555 timer circuits which have relays build into them. I will be able to set the alarm on time once the 555 timer circuit is triggered. I want the alarm to eventually turn off automatically so the police do not come and break down our gates to turn off the system if we are not home at the time.

To power the entire system I will be using an 18650 battery that I got for about 40 cents each from nearly new modem batteries. The battery will be charged through a USB charging circuit using some solar panels that are also on the way.

I have some very nice piezo alarms that run on anywhere from 3 volts DC to 24 volts DC. The 555 timer circuit will latch the alarm on for a set time to alert us and the neighbors of an intruder.

I can imagine turning these circuits into a nice retail package if I can get them tuned and working well enough. I will look for a nice, weather proof case to hold it all together and then see about marketing these.

I will be building this circuit in the coming days so stay tuned for updates right here.

You can watch the video on my channel here: Got The Parts Together For An Awesome Perimeter Defense Alarm System

About the Author

Troy Reid


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