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Recent Articles by Danielle Reid

Benefits of Natural Himalayan Pink Salt Versus Table Salt

There is much discussion lately about the benefits of Himalayan rock salt (that pink stuff) and why it is so much healthier than table salt.  At The Off Grid Homestead, Himalayan salt is the standard due not only because of all of its positive aspects but also due to its organic superiority.

How to raise chicks and ducklings on and off grid

Homesteading is becoming a more common practice these days due to the desire to live healthier and more self-sufficient lifestyles.  Raising, or growing, one’s own food provides a sense of satisfaction, is more affordable and allows the homesteader to have full knowledge of what they a

Sprouting - The process of germinating seeds and the health benefits of raw food

When you hear the word "sprouting," you may automatically think of, and picture, seedlings...those tiny plants you've nurtured from seed form in order to transplant them into what will be your beautiful vegetable patch.  Sprouting, however, is germinating seeds with the goal of eating the sp

Raw Maple Sap - The Health Benefits of Drinking Maple Water

When you are making your preparations for a more self-sufficient lifestyle, don’t forget about the things you have available in your own yard.  You can plant a garden, of course, but there are also greens, not-so-fondly known as weeds, that provide natural nutrition and health benefits

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