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Wild Foraging Series The Partridgeberry or Squaw Vine

Article from: September 10th, 2012


The Partridgeberry somewhat resembles wintergreen when browsing along the forest floor. One of the big differences though is the size of the plant. The partridgeberry is a very short ground hugging vine-like plant. It sends out vines across the forest floor. The partridgeberry has a long history of uses as a food and medicine.


Wild Edible Squaw Vine

Partridgeberry Wild Edible Plant


The partridgeberry is also sometimes known as the “Squaw Vine” because the native American Indians used the leaves of this plant to relieve menstrual difficulties. The berry of the partridgeberry tastes a lot like wintergreen. The berry also looks very much like wintergreen. The berries are small, round and red. The inside is sort of dry and white. The taste resembles wintergreen.




Wild edible partridgeberry

The Partridge Berry a Wild Edible


The leaves of the partridgeberry plant grow in pairs opposite one another and have a lighter colored vein running along the center, which makes this plant easy to identify.


Some medicinal uses of the partridgeberry plant include using the leaves in a tea for painful menses and to ease the pain of child birth. The plant can relieve rheumatism, arthritis, swelling and hives when used externally. As an astringent it is useful to treat dysentery and piles. The leaves are also widely praised to relieve sore nipples in women.


You can find the berries of this plant through most of the winter. The leaves can be collected almost any time of the year. You can use the leaves both fresh or dried.


The partridgeberry plant is also widely used as a ground cover for landscaping. You may even have it in your own yard.


Add the partridgeberry to your survival medicine chest.


You can watch today's video here:
Watch the video now  Wild Foraging Series - The Partridgeberry or Squaw Vine


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About the Author

Troy Reid


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