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How to shovel show safely and efficiently

Winter brings a lot of snow. This means shoveling out your car, sidewalk or business front. Many people suffer with painful backs or even heart attacks from shoveling snow. This happens especially in areas which do not see much snow each season. This is how to safely shovel snow....

Start by gripping the snow shovel at the handle with one hand and place the other hand down low on the handle, near the shovel blade. This gives you lots of leverage to lift snow.

When you scoop a load of snow with the shovel, bend at the knees instead of using your back. Push forward by using your knees to move the shovel into the snow.

When you lift the shovel full of snow, lift with your arms and knees, not your back. This will prevent lower back pain and damage to the vertebrae. Twist at the knees and ankles to turn around and then dump the shovel load off to the side.

Using this method, you can work all day shoveling snow with no back pain or discomfort.
Use sunglasses or a wide brimmed hat when working outside to protect your eyes from the extreme brightness of the snow.

Take breaks often. Work just a little at a time and then take a break. This will prevent over exhaustion and heart attacks.

Dress in layers and take off a layer as you warm up. Try to avoid sweating, which is not healthy in the winter cold.
If you follow these tips, you will be able to shovel a lot of snow safely with no harm or damage to your body.

About the Author

Troy Reid


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