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Single Coil Bedini Charging Multiple Batteries With No Extra Current

Previously I tried charging up to 7 batteries at one time with my single coil Bedini motor using a new diode for each battery pair. Now I have ammeters to show the input and output current. The input current remains the same no matter how many batteries I add to the output.


I ordered some 150 mA meters to see if the output of my Bedini motor is divided as I add more battery pairs. I am using the standard Bedini SSG circuit with one coil and one transistor.


The only change I have made is to add a diode to the transistor collector and then more batteries on the diode. The rest of the circuit remains the same. I am charging up two 216 Ah batteries on the first diode.


On the second diode I added two 7 Ah batteries which are charging up happily. I added a third and a fourth diode and am able to charge bateries on them as well.


But in the comments on my video someone suggested that the output is only being divided among the battery sets. I wanted to see if this was true or not. The charging voltages of the batteries do not change as I add more batteries and diodes so I was thinking that the charging current is also not being divided.



With an ammeter on the large golf cart batteries I get about 50 to 70 mA into the batteries. The input current starts out at about 180 to 190 mA but then drops as the motor reaches its top running speed to around 90 mA.


When I added another set of batteries on the second diode the primary charge battery voltage does not change (as seen in previous video) and now the current also remains the same as seen on the meter in this latest video.


The current on the pair of 7 Ah batteries is showing just a small amount of current.


But current is an unwanted side effect of using a Bedini motor in the first place so this is not a true measurement of the charging ability of the motor.


When I added a third pair of batteries neither of the first two sets of batteries showed a reduction in charge or current.

So it appears to me that the Bedini SSG circuit can handle multiple diodes on the primary transistor with each diode charging uip multiple batteries. And there is no increase in current input and no reduction to the energy going to each charge battery pair.


Next I added a small photo flash capacitor in parallel across the two smaller sets of batteries and the voltage jumps up considerably. But the input current and output currents do not change.


This shows me that some other form of energy is in action here. It also shows me that a capacitor seems to increase the output power to the batteries being charged.


Someone suggested in the comments on my previous video that the capacitor is a filter and all it is doing is smoothing out the voltage spikes which are then shown on the meter. This made sense at first until I thought about it. The battery is essentially smoothing out the voltage and the volt meter is reading the battery voltage - not the input spikes. Since the battery is absorbing the spikes there is no way the meter can show them.


A 22 microfarad capacitor cannot possibly smooth out the spikes better than two 7 Ah batteries I would think.


Please feel free to share your thoughts below in the comments or on my video.


You can watch today's video here: Single Coil Bedini Motor With Multiple Output Diodes & Batteries


While you are over there please subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow our daily videos as we strive to become self sufficient and off the grid on a budget.

About the Author

Troy Reid


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