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Opening Quanta Magnetics Q3 Charge Accelerator Generator

I have just received a package containing a sort of energy generator. This is the Quanta Q3 magnetic energy generator which is actually three devices in one.


A viewer on my YouTube channel contacted me about this generator. He bought it years ago but he cannot do it himself due to being disabled. So he reached out to me so that I could assemble and test this device on video. He can experience it through my videos and our contact online.


I studied everything I could find on this device for hours when I got home with it. Melanie had taken a road trip to visit this man and spent a long time visiting with him before leaving for home again. This was pretty much our day. I spent the evening watching videos from the company and looking for anything I could find on the device.




There is a lot of controversy about the machine and the company that I have found so far. Many people talk against it but this does not necessarily mean that it does not work. The Bedini Motor gets the same amount of negativity from people who never tried to build one for themselves. Anyone who has built one believes that it works - because it does.


I have restored many old discarded lead acid batteries using my homemade Bedini motor through the years and they are all still in service to this day. My Bedini motor is small so I am better off restoring smaller 12 AH batteries. It takes my little device months to restore anything larger at all. But all those little batteries are still working to this day. Some had as little as half a volt in them when I got them.


I am hoping that the Quanta Q3 generator device will help me to restore all the larger batteries that I have laying around.


I will be doing a video series on the assembly of this device as I go along.


For those who are interested, they can follow along with this assembly and the results of my experiments.


For the rest, they can continue to follow my daily videos of our off grid living in the tiny house on wheels.


You can see the video of my unboxing of this generator here: Just Received A Quanta Magnetics Q3 Charge Accelerator Generator


While you are over there please subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow our daily videos as we strive to become self sufficient and off the grid on a budget.

About the Author

Troy Reid


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