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Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 7:49 pm
by jello4242
I am concerned for you that you will get evicted soon. I can imagine that they will wait until just before Christmas and then "boot you".
Well, my real concern is 1) if you have a "plan B" if this happens and 2) axles under the tiny cabin. You once mentioned that you would put a third axle underneath if needed. I went back and reviewed your vids and I really don't see that you left enough room in the wheel wells to accommodate a third axle. Am I missing something or did I just miss your plan on how to do this? Hang in there.

Re: Axles

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 7:23 pm
by techman
I have a towing service if I have to move. I can empty the house and it will be a safe weight for the trailer.