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Boost Website and Blogsite Traffic Through LinkedIn

LinkedIn is not only one of the most popular social networking sites we have today, it is also one of the best platforms for business, as it is where professionals and career-oriented people meet. With this, LinkedIn is a great place to build relationships with people who are really interested in your business; share your content and expertise, and drive targeted traffic to your blog and website. Here are some surefire tips to increase your website traffic through LinkedIn.

Meet Your Goals by Setting up A Relevant Profile

One of the biggest mistakes people commit in LinkedIn is making their profiles look like a chronological resume. LinkedIn profile should be something where you can showcase your strengths and show people the most relevant information. If your goal in LinkedIn is to drive more traffic and to build your online credentials, then make sure you present enough information for people to recognize you in your profile.

Connect With People

You don't just need many followers, what you need are people that really matters for your business. These can be people you already know; like high school or and/or college schoolmates, present and former colleagues, etc. and people who are interested in what you do; your target audience and people in your market niche. The idea is to make new relevant connections.

Send out Request Recommendations

This is one of the best things LinkedIn offers for its users; you can send out request to your contacts to make recommendations about you. This would be an instant endorsement for your business and brand, as it builds your reputation from people who are really interested in what you do.



Be Active

Your job doesn't end from setting up your profile and having a lot of friends. You need to stay active for you to maximize your LinkedIn profile. You should join groups and participate in group discussions, ask and answer people's questions, help people by providing good, relevant and valuable information, make recommendations for others, etc. Also, update your status frequently to get your name in your friend's news feeds.

Share Your Blog Content Links

Get the links of your best blog contents; helpful and useful blog entries, and share them in LinkedIn. This is very important to do, especially groups related and relevant to your niche and blog topic. Showcase what you can do and offer good value to people by sharing your blog content in conversations. Of course, don't flood conversations with your links, or you'll be marked as a spammer.

Share Your Profile Link

For sure, LinkedIn will just be one of your many social media accounts, so, make sure your share to promote your LinkedIn account to boost more connections to people that matter for your site. You can share the link in your Facebook and Twitter accounts and include your LinkedIn link in your blog's sidebar, email signature, etc.

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