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Nutrient Suggestions for High Cholesterol

The following nutrients are our top suggestions to help manage high cholesterol. These suggestions are based on clinical studies and the latest health information available to provide you with the best nutraceutical suggestions possible to help manage cholesterol.

Advanced Lipid Control:
This is a combination formula of indian gooseberry and black tea theaflavins.
-Indian gooseberry has a very positive effect on overall cholesterol levels. It is believed to work by influencing the enzyme HMG coenzyme A to slow production of cholesterol. Since it will also slow the production of CoQ10, it would be suggested to take as well.
-Theaflavins are a wonderful tea extract which are great for quelming inflammation at the cellular level. In this instance, they act as a shield to protect LDL from oxidation (attack from free radicals) and being stuck to vessel walls (forming plaques).

Niacin (Vitamin B3):
Niacin has an amazing effect on cholesterol levels and is normally my first and foremost suggestion; as long as you can handle the side effect of flushing. What is flushing? "Flushing" is the side effect of taking high doses of Niacin (usually 500mg+, but it depends on the individual) and results in red, itchy, blotchy skin that may last from 1-4 hours. While the mechanism of niacin is mostly unknown, it has a remarkable positive affect on both HDL and LDL without limiting CoQ10 production. It also is one of the few agents that will positively influence HDL while working on that nasty LDL. In short, it is suggested to take 1,500-2,500mg of niacin daily to help with cholesterol levels. In some cases, this high dose negatively affected liver enzymes, so be sure that your regular blood test (i.e. your next cholesterol test) is coming up soon to keep an eye on everything.



Super Omega 3 EPA/DHA:
A high potency fish oil is an essential staple of our diets and regimens that has so many different purposes in our body. In the instance of cholesterol, omega 3 has the ability to influence particle size, turning LDL cholesterol into HDL cholesterol. Fish oil is also very helpful to maintain healthy blood flow by having blood thinning effects.

Policosanol has been studied to have a very positive affect on cholesterol levels.

Fiber Food Caps:
Fiber is a very beneficial agent in managing cholesterol levels. If you do not have an adequate amount of fiber in your diet, a supplement is a great idea. Fiber has the ability to bind to fats in the digestive track and can have a very positive influence on total cholesterol levels.

Artichoke leaf extract:
Artichoke leaf extract is very helpful for promoting adequate bile flow. Artichoke has both chlorogenic acid and cynarin, which have both been shown to have a positive affect on cholesterol levels.

Full-Spectrum Pomegranate:
Full spectrum pomegranate is a great antioxidant which is able to help with blood flow. (It does this by inhibiting ACE). Pomegranate is also unique in it's ability to protect LDL from oxidation (free radical damage) and therefore protect against plaque formation. Full spectrum pomegranate has even been shown to have a very positive affect on existing plaques.

Endothelial Defense with Full-Spectrum Pomegranate:
Endothelial Defense is a combination of GliSODin and full spectrum pomegranate. GliSODin is a complex of SOD (superoxide dismutase) and wheat extract. SOD is a very powerful antioxidant which is very successful at protecting the veins. It is an important factor in protecting nitric oxide levels. This is a great formula to protect and fight against plaque accumulation.

Green Tea Extract:
Green tea has been studied to have a very positive affect on cholesterol levels.

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