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Earn Cryptocurrency Blogging - Commenting - Social Networking

DIY Tube Video Community is paying anyone who helps spread the word about the site where everyone gets paid to interact.


DIY Tube Video Community pays you for video views, commenting, interacting and more. Earn DIY Tube Coins for interacting on DIY Tube site. You can spend DIY Tube Coins on DIY Tube, save them for investment value, or trade them in for fiat currency.


DIY Tube Video Community


DIY Tube is paying everyone who helps spread the word about the new community.


* Make a YouTube video talking about DIY Tube and its benefits and earn 100 DIY Tube Coins after it receives 100 or more views.

* Comment on YouTube videos and get paid 1 DIYT for every single comment you make.

* Write a blog post about DIY Tube Community and get 25 DIYT

* Post on social media sites and get 2 DIYT for every single comment.


Keep a list in a word file of every single post you make so they can be confirmed. Email them in to and get paid.


You will need an Ethereum wallet to get paid. Go to and get a free wallet. Dont forget to include your wallet address in the email.


DIY Tube Coins are going to be set at $0.10 each when released on the market in a week or two. After that they will continue to increase in value. We expect 1 DIYT to be worth $1 USD by the end of 2018 and $10 by next year.


Get on board and earn crytpocurrency.


Join the DIY Tube Community and get paid to do what you enjoy.



DIY Tube Video Community


DIY Tube Coins

About the Author

Troy Reid


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