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Bedini Radiant Energy Hydrogen Browns Gas Generator

Radiant H2O Booster

Bedini SSG Radiant Energy Hydrogen Booster

Producing Hydroxy Gas with Radiant Energy

Experimenting with a Bedini SSG and a Water Capacitor to produce HHO gas.

Since the Bedini Simplified School Girl Motor can be used to charge capacitors, it only makes sense to think that a water capacitor, aka hydrogen booster or wet cell, can also be connected to the Bedini Motor. The outputs of a radiant energy generator are quite happy pumping energy into a water splitter all day long. The end result is a useful and flammable combination of gasses - Hydrogen and Oxygen. These gasses can be used to heat your home or power your vehicle or gas engine. And it is pretty cool to see the output of your radiant energy generator visibly doing work. Each modification that you make to your SSG can be seen in the amount of gas put out in your water cell. This is a simple visual indicator of the amount of energy being produced by your Bedini Motor.

This project should also work with any other type of radiant energy generator since we are working with the same type of energy output. But for the purposes of this experiment, we are sticking with the Bedini SSG Motor.


Bedini HHO Generator
Bedini SSG Motor Water Splitter


Bedini SSG Water Capacitor
Water Capacitor Gas Output


Radiant Energy Battery Charger and HHO Production
Charging Battery While Splitting H2O


In the photo above, you can see the old lawn mower wheel SSG charging a battery while putting out H2O gas. Above that image is a homemade 12 volt power supply to provide constant energy for the SSG to run. This eliminates the need to check and swap out batteries while experimenting.

Next to the power supply you can see a tupperware container with a water capacitor inside. In the center of the photo you see the Bedini School Girl Motor itself in its wooden box. And on the right side of the image you can see a battery that is being charged up.

The center image shows the water capacitor itself, putting out hydrogen and oxygen gasses. Radiant energy from the SSG is being output to the water splitter to produce HHO gas.

The photo on the right shows a battery that is also being charged at the same time. The current voltage on the meter is just below 10 volts.




The primary output of the SSG is connected to the water splitter. A second diode is connected to the collector of the output transistor and connected to a battery. This is not the most efficient use of the Bedini Motor, but it is cool to see how many things you can connect at the same time. The battery is charging very slowly. Much slower than if it was connected to the output alone. But it is taking a charge.


Watch this in action:
Watch the video now  Using a Bedini School Girl Motor to Split Water into Hydroxy Gas. Radiant H2O


In the same way you can connect multiple water splitters to the output of the SSG in order to get more gas production. Somehow the SSG puts most of its output into a single water cap and lets just a trickle of energy to into all the other capacitors that you connect. I have had as many as five water capacitors connected all in parallel at the same time. Each one puts out gas.


Bike Wheel Bedini Motor
Back Side of Large 3 Coil Bedini Motor


Wheel and Coil of Large Bedini Generator
Side View of Large Bedini SSG


Lager Scale Bedini HHO Generator
Bedini SSG Motor Water Splitter


In the top photo you can see the back side and circuitry of my large scale Bedini Generator. This is a scaled up version of a Bedini SSG. The circuits are exactly the same. The coils have one trigger coil and two power coils. The bottom coil has all three wires hooked up while the coil on the side has only a single power wire in use. This model is set up to take up to 10 coils with 3 wires each. The magnets are glued to an aluminum bicycle wheel and taped with heavy duty duct tape for extra safety.

In the next photo you can see the bike wheel itself and one of the coils. In the third photo you can see the SSG sitting on a table with three water capacitors in front of it. Each water cap is different from the other. The idea is to find the best possible gas output without changing the Bedini Motor at all.

A single pair of stainless steel wall cover plates was used with nylon screws and nuts. The SS plates were spaced apart with 1.5 mm wide nylon washers. Wire or strapping material were used for the plus and minus leads.



Watch it in action here:
Watch the video now  Bedini Water Splitter. Bedini SSG output into a water capacitor, producing HHO gas


While you are over there please subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow our daily videos as we strive to become self sufficient and off the grid on a budget.

Another test was done with 7 stainless steel wall cover plates and 3 mm wide rubber washers in between. This version seems to produce the least amount of gas.

The third test was to replace the rubber washers with 1.5 mm wide nylon washers and 7 SS plates. This produces more gas than the version with larger washers. But it is still nowhere near as good as the single pair of SS plates.

Disclaimer: The ideas presented here are for informational purposes only. Experiment at your own risk. We assume no responsibility whatsoever.

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About the Author

Troy Reid


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