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Started The Off Grid Project – Get off the grid cheap

March 29th, 2012


I just got The Off Grid project started tonight. The countdown is ticking. On May 1st, the Off Grid Project experiments will begin. In early Fall the project will be completed. The final goal of the project is to show you how to get your home fully off the grid on a budget. Anyone can get off the grid with very little investment.

Some of the projects will include how to make a windmill from things you may already have laying around the house, and it really works. How to make a solar panel for about a dollar per watt – yourself. How to make passive solar heaters with household materials that really work. How to make a dollar store solar oven. A dollar store solar distiller. And many more budget projects that really work.

You can get fully off the grid on a budget. You can be independent from the electric company, water company and sewage.

You can get an average home fully off grid for about $5,000 or less. Do it all at once, or take your time and get off the grid piece by piece. No matter how you approach it, the goal is attainable.

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The Off Grid Project

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About the Author

Troy Reid


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